Conversation Management

Blitz’s conversation management tools make chatting with your team a breeze, helping everyone stay organized and connected! 

Business Management

Blitz’s business management tools streamline your operations, making it easier to manage projects and boost your team’s efficiency.

Home Services

Blitz’s extensive toolset is an all in one place for the home service provider.


Streamline your legal office and empower your staff and clients with industry leading software.

Health & Beauty

Use our impressive technology to stand out from the crowd while increasing business and revenue.  

Centralize Your Estimates & Invoicing

Allow users to create and issue estimates and invoices without having to provide access to your QuickBooks!

With Blitz – No Additional Fees!

a screenshot of a bill invoice
two smartphones with a screen showing a payment application

Streamlined Billing Process

Accept Payments via SMS, In Person, Or Invoices

All client information and transaction histories are stored in one place, making it easy to access and manage billing documents without switching between different software systems.

Automatically generate estimates and invoices based on the details entered in the CRM, reducing manual data entry and the potential for errors.

Blitz can be integrated with various payment gateways, allowing for direct billing and immediate payment processing directly through the invoice.

Faster Payment Cycles

With Blitz, Speed To Payment Is Increased.

Send invoices directly from the CRM as soon as services are rendered or agreed upon, reducing the time from service completion to billing.

Set up automated reminders for clients regarding upcoming and overdue payments, ensuring timely follow-ups without manual intervention.

Incorporate easy online payment options within invoices, allowing clients to pay immediately using their preferred payment method, which can significantly speed up the payment process.

Receive real-time updates when invoices are viewed and paid, enabling better cash flow management and quicker response to payment statuses.

a laptop with a pricing sheet on the screen

Enhanced Customer Experience

A Professional Appearance Goes A Long Way With Customers.

Maintain A Professional Appearance

Customizable invoice and estimate templates allow businesses to present a professional image that aligns with their branding, enhancing the overall customer perception.

Easy Access For Customers

Customers can easily access their estimates and invoices through secure links with text 2 pay, tap 2 pay, sms and email, allowing them to view, download, or pay invoices at their convenience.

Improved Accuracy and Tracking

With Blitz Estimates And Invoices - Improve Accuracy, Tracking and Reporting

Reduce Errors

Automating the generation of estimates and invoices minimizes human errors, ensuring accuracy in figures and details presented to clients.

Comprehensive Audit Trails

Every modification, payment, and communication related to an invoice or estimate is logged, providing a detailed audit trail that enhances financial compliance and oversight.

Integrated Reporting Tools

Access to integrated reporting features that compile and analyze billing data, allowing for accurate financial insights and trend analysis.

Real-Time Financial Status

The system updates financial statuses in real-time, giving businesses a current view of their financial health, outstanding invoices, and overall cash flow management.

a laptop with a screen displaying a payment form

Unmatched, Unlimited, Amazing, 24x7 Support

Get Support , Help , Guidance For Every Stage Of Your Business

We’re not just a software company. With extensive marketing roots (15+ years), we decided to branch out and provide software that works. So, we can help with not only how the software works but also how to use it effectively! Our Customer Care Team offers unmatched and unlimited 24×7 support. 

Estimates & Invoices
Frequently Asked Questions

Does Blitz support automatic conversion of estimates to invoices?
Does Blitz support automatic conversion of estimates to invoices?

Yes, Blitz allows you to easily convert estimates into invoices with just a few clicks. Once a client approves an estimate, it can be directly transformed into an invoice, streamlining the billing process and reducing manual data entry.

Can I set up recurring invoices in Blitz?
Can I set up recurring invoices in Blitz?

Absolutely! Blitz supports the creation of recurring invoices, enabling you to schedule and automate the sending of invoices for ongoing services at predefined intervals, such as monthly or annually.

How does Blitz handle overdue invoices?
How does Blitz handle overdue invoices?

Blitz provides automated reminders that you can customize to alert clients about overdue payments. These reminders can be scheduled at regular intervals until the invoice is settled, helping to ensure timely payments.

Is it possible to track the payment status of invoices in real-time with Blitz?
Is it possible to track the payment status of invoices in real-time with Blitz?

Yes, Blitz offers real-time tracking of invoice payments. You can see when an invoice is sent, viewed, and paid, giving you up-to-date information on each client's payment status and helping you manage your cash flow more effectively.